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Dental Implants in Arlington

dentist holding a dental implant model

What Are They?

Dental implants are a revolutionary way to replace the root of a missing tooth. They consist of a titanium screw placed in the jawbone. When done correctly, the bone fuses with the implant, treating it as a natural part of the body. This process, called osseointegration, typically takes 3 to 6 months, depending on factors such as the patient’s age, overall health, extent of socket damage at the missing tooth site, and the condition of the bone.

Dental implants are the preferred method of replacing missing teeth. They have distinct advantages over bridges and dentures, and at Arlington Dental, we have the expertise and technology to provide our patients with this state-of-the-art service.


What to Expect

At Arlington Dental, we have decades of experience placing dental implants. Based on your unique situation, we may recommend this option to replace your missing tooth or teeth. We’ll start with an in-depth examination, including all necessary X-rays and 3D imaging.

The next step is placing the titanium screws, which we do in-house. You’ll be comfortably numb, and we offer both oral and IV sedation options, which we will explain to you before you schedule your procedure.

The implant is typically placed at the same time as tooth extraction. As the implant is smaller than the natural tooth root, we fill the remaining space with bone grafting material. This helps ensure proper integration and healing.

After three to six months of healing, depending on the implant’s location, we’ll book another appointment to place an abutment and a temporary crown. After four weeks of gum healing, you’ll return for your permanent crown. We’ll mill your crown in-house, using material that is three times harder than regular porcelain, and then cement it in place on the abutment of your implant.

How to Care for Your Dental Implants

This restoration is as close as we can get to recreating natural teeth, and you take care of them just the same way—with regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups. Routine professional cleanings are important to ensure that bacteria doesn’t collect where the crown meets the gums.

After six months to a year, your implant becomes just as strong as a natural tooth.

We Cater to You

At Arlington Dental, we value providing convenient care tailored to your needs. If that’s your preference, we’ll do your work in as few visits as possible. Our team is certified to provide a variety of sedation options so we can ensure that you are not anxious during your procedures. We also offer education and information about your various options so you can make an informed decision that’s best for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there certain things you can’t eat or drink after getting a dental implant?

A soft diet is important while the implant is healing, as bone cells are working to make the bone around the implant threads denser. This is typically necessary for the first few months after placing the implant.

Can you get an MRI with dental implants?

Yes, you can. Implants are made of titanium alloy, a mixture of metals. Modern MRI machines are designed to image patients with metal implants, including dental implants, safely.

When is it too late to get a dental implant?

While it’s best to get an implant soon after tooth extraction, it’s not always too late. When a tooth is removed, the surrounding bone begins to shrink immediately, which can reduce the chances of successful implant placement over time. However, bone grafting can sometimes make implants possible even after some bone loss has occurred.

How many implants can I have?

This depends on your individual case. Ideally, implants shouldn’t be placed too close together. Different approaches are available for patients missing multiple teeth. These can range from using two implants to support a three—to four-unit bridge to an ‘all-on-four’ approach, where four implants support a full arch of teeth.

Schedule Today

Contact Arlington Dental today to book your appointment. We offer in-house financing and other payment options.


Dental Implants Arlington TX | (817) 303-5700